Our Recruitment
Recruitment is what continues the legacy of Kappa Delta. Each year, we look to find the most outstanding women to join our lifelong sisterhood. Last year, we were lucky to welcome 76 new members into our family. We are looking forward to welcoming UF '28 to our campus and meeting the women who will go through Panhellenic Recruitment this Fall!
Fall Recruitment 2024
For information regarding Panhellenic Recruitment at the University of Florida, visit www.ufpanhellenic.org
Dear Potential New Member,
My name is Ashley Kiker and I am extremely honored to serve as Beta Pi’s 2024 VP of recruitment & marketing.
Kappa Delta, the Panhellenic Community, and I are so excited to welcome you to the University of Florida. Being a gator, and Panhellenic woman, will change your life.
Our chapter has been working diligently this past year to create a rewarding experience for each Potential New Member. The Recruitment process will challenge you to grow in ways you never thought possible, and give you memories to last a lifetime.
It is in this house that I have met the most inspiring and uplifting women, the ones who have pushed me to discover who I am, and have loved me throughout every minute of my journey. They continually redefine acceptance, confidence, and selflessness. These people have made the past 3 years so extraordinary and there are no words to describe how thankful I am.
As Kappa Deltas, we strive every day for that which is honorable, beautiful, and highest, and seek PNMs who share our values. No matter where you come from or which house you decide to call home, I sincerely hope you are able to find your true sisters, as I have in KD. I am so thrilled for you to begin your journey- and can’t wait to meet you in the fall!
In Panhellenic Love,
Ashley Kiker
Vice President of Recruitment and Marketing
MC '21
Recommendations and Legacies
Do you know a young woman headed off to college? Kappa Delta appreciates the efforts of its members who recommend outstanding young collegiate women for membership.
While the national organization does not require recommendations for women to be considered for membership in Kappa Delta, recommendations offer a beneficial introduction to the chapter before recruitment begins. Having a recommendation does not guarantee an invitation or membership. You must be a Kappa Delta to submit a recommendation.
To recommend a collegiate woman, please complete a recommendation form. An alumna in good standing from any Kappa Delta chapter may write a recommendation for a potential new member. A collegiate member in good standing can write a recommendation for a young woman who is going through recruitment at another school, not her own.
Is the potential new member a legacy? Let us know. A legacy is the daughter, granddaughter or sister of an initiated member in good standing. Half- and step-relations are considered legacies if their KD family member considers them as such.
Please visit the Kappa Delta website to access the recommendation and legacy introduction forms.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding our recruitment process, please reach out to the following sister:
Ashley Kiker, Vice President of Recruitment and Marketing – ufkdrecruitmentandmarketing@gmail.com